Friday, April 20, 2012

Italy Here I Come!!

Finally the day has come!!!  All those days of eating non blog worthy food with the goal of shedding a few kilos for my trip to Italy has paid off!!!

I take off tomorrow morning in the wee small hours!  Am I excited??? Yes, just a tad!!!

If you would like to see what we get up to, then come along for the ride, and visit Italy with us.....

I promise to come back and write about all the wonderful Italian Food that I have learned to cook while I am away!!



  1. Enjoy Cate - can't wait to read all about it.

  2. Oh, I am so jealous!

    This is the most amazing holiday, make sure you have just too much fun, you deserve it :)
    I half expect you to do an "under the Tuscan sun" on me and stay in Italy!

    Have the best holiday ever!
