Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rainbow Slice

You know there is only so much they can do with recipes!! Don't you find that often times when you look over the list of ingredients they look suspiciously like other recipes that you have seen before!  When I was checking out the chocolate slices that were featured in the March edition of Super Food Ideas I was hit with a sense of deja vu.  The ingredients in the Rainbow slice were almost the same as the Chocolate Weet Bix slice that my mum has been making for more than 40 years!!!  The only difference was that there was no flour in this recipe, more weet bix - oh and they added an egg!  As the original recipe is still a huge hit with my kids I thought I would "road test" this new version!

Rainbow Slice
From Super Food Ideas - March edition

12 weet bix, finely crushed
1/4 cup cocoa powder, sifted
3/4 cup brown sugar
200g butter, melted
1/2 cup coconut - I used shredded
1 egg, lightly beaten
150g tub rainbow choc chips

Chocolate Icing
3 cups icing sugar mix
2 tbs cocoa powder, sifted
50g butter, melted

Preheat oven to 180 degrees.  Grease an 18cm x 28cm slice pan.  Line base and sides with baking paper, allowing a 3cm overhang on all sides.

Combine the weet bix, cocoa powder, sugar, butter, coconut and egg in a bowl.  Press the mixture over the base of the prepared pan.  Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until firm to touch.

As the slice is cooling, make the icing by combining the icing sugar, cocoa and melted butter in a bowl.  Add just enough milk to make the icing a spreading consistency.  Using a hot knife spread the icing over the top of the slice.  Sprinkle with the choc chips, pressing them into the icing to make sure they are secure.

Set the slice aside for 2 hours to cool completely, then cut into squares.

This slice is a sure fire lunch box winner!!! (If it lasts that long!)

The verdict on the "new" version.  "Was a little too oily for my liking!" (To be read in Manu Feildel's accent please!)


  1. This is beautiful. Perfect for kid parties.

  2. hehe it's funny how things get repackaged! I would go crazy over this even now! :D
