Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stuffed Squid in Napolitana Sauce

I guess by now you have all figured out that I have a little bit of a cooking magazine obsession.  Yesterday I had to have a bit of a cleanup and move the pile that has been accumulating on the kitchen bench down to the bookcase that groans under the weight of all that I have collected over the years.

The trouble with cookbook magazines is that when they arrive you flick through them and get entranced by all the lovely shiny photos.  Then if you are like me, you put little flags on the pages of the recipes that you want to make, but the problem is that then another magazine arrives and you get distracted by those recipes and forget to go back to the ones that were so interesting in the first one.  This is a never ending cycle with me!!  So it was good to revisit a book from last year this week - and I have now in fact made three recipes from this old magazine that I never got around to making a year ago!!

Finally last night I made the Stuffed Squid that I had vowed to make back in August last year.

Look how beautiful this looks - very festive looking (we have had a bit of a red and green theme happening her this week haven't we??)

I have made another recipe for stuffed squid before - but this was by far the best.  If you have ever made stuffed quid before you will know (as I do - but I still did it again!) - don't overstuff the squid - it all just bursts out during the cooking process.  This time it wasn't too bad as the risoni was precooked so it didn't expand too much.  * The recipe states 4 squid hoods - but depending on the size of the hoods I think you can probably fill 5 hoods with this amount of filling.

Stuffed Squid in Napolitana Sauce
Adapted from a recipe found in Woolworth's Fresh Magazine dated August 2009

Serves 4

1 cup risoni pasta
1/2 red onion, finely diced
200g peeled green prawns, roughly chopped
1/4 cup pine nuts
2 tbs currants
1/4 cup continental parsley, finely chopped
4-5 squid hoods *
1 tbs olive oil
700ml passata

Cook risoni in plenty of boiling salted water for 9 minutes.  Drain well.

Combine the risoni with the onion, prawns, pine nuts, currants and parsley.  Season well with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Stuff the squid with the risoni misture. (Don't overstuff!!!)  Close the tops of the squid and use toothpicks to secure.

Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium high heat.  Add the squid tubes, and brown well all over.  Pour over the tomato passata, bring to the boil, then reduce heat to a simmer.  Cover and simmer for 30 minutes.

Serve with a rocket, asparagus and cherry tomato salad topped with shavings of parmesan cheese.  I dressed this salad with my Special Balsamic Sauce (scroll down - it is with the Parmesan Chicken!!)

How Festive looking is that???

This was a lovely light meal - just a perfect summer's night!  It was really quite easy too - I know I say that about everything - but it really was.

So Dear Readers do you collect cookbook magazines like me?  If so do you remove the recipes you like, and discard the magazine, or are you like me and have a mountain of them??


  1. I try not to collect too many cookbook magazines as I am rapidly running out of space. Having said that, this looks delicious so perhaps I should start collecting more! :)

  2. I love squid so this looks my sort of dish. Diane

  3. I used to put the flags, then I started cutting out recipes...but now I have books and books of distilled recipes that I've forgotten to try!! Haha.

  4. Hi Cate, this stuffed squid looks delicious! Very fitting for the festive season :)

    I keep all my magazines and yes I do have a mountain of them. I limit what I buy now to reduce the size of the heap. I buy Delicious all year round, all the Christmas editions of various food mags plus the gourmet traveler recipe annual...... not to mention all the cook books I have also acquired! LOL!

  5. The squid looks amazing!

    I have piles of magazines, in the past I have cut our recipes and had a folder... and a scrap book, but now I just keep them, of and try not to buy too many so that I don't get dwarfed!

  6. It looks and sounds delicious. I love squid.
