Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Coq Au Vin

The weather on Sunday was a tempter of things to come.  I knew the lovely warm sunny days weren't here to stay (just yet) - but it did make me think that Spring is only a month away.  You know what that means - summer will be here before we know it!!  Blogging, while though very enjoyable, has led to a couple or three unwanted kilos coming to visit, and outstaying their welcome - if I don't evict them now I will regret it come Summer.

So faced with the decision of what to make for dinner last night I was teased with the lovely glossy photo of Coq Au Vin in the current edition of MasterChef Magazine, or I was brought back to reality with the "healthy" version in the CSIRO diet cookbook.  Hmmmm what should I choose?  I looked over the list of ingredients - pretty much the same - oh, except the MasterChef one had 100g butter, 1/4 cup plain flour, brandy, and 200g of speck!  Of course they suggested serving with crusty bread rolls too!!  A little bit too tempting!

No, I will not be tempted - I will make the healthy version and I will have mine with lashings of beans and broccoli!!!  Can you see my halo glinting in the light???

You know what though, it was really very tasty, and the plates were all empty - so it could not have been too bad. (I have been told I am not allowed to rate my own food anymore - they were pretty generous though - I think it got an average of 6 from everyone).

So if you are looking to be good give this recipe a try.

Coq Au Vin
Serves 4

2 tbs olive oil
100g lean bacon, diced
350g french eschalots (they said onions)
1 clove crushed garlic
900g skinless chicken drumsticks and thighs on the bone, trimmed of fat (I used lovely legs, and boneless thighs)
2 cups red wine
1 cup chicken stock
3 Roma tomatoes, diced
2 bay leaves
1 tbs cornflour mixed with 2 tbs cold water
250g button mushrooms

Heat half of the oil in a large heavy-based saucepan over high heat.  Add the bacon, onion and garlic and cook for 5 minutes, or until the onion is soft.  Remove from pan and set aside.

Return pan to heat, add remaining oil and cook chicken in batches for 5 minutes or until golden.  Return all chicken and bacon mixture to pan, add wine, stock, tomatoes, mushrooms, and bay leaves and bring to the boil.  Reduce heat and simmer, covered for 45 minutes, or until the chicken is tender.  Remove lid, and stir in cornflour mixture and simmer uncovered for a further 10 minutes.

Serve with steamed green vegetables.

I was left with quite a lot of liquid, along with the bacon and mushrooms etc so I decided to have some for lunch today as a soup - it was really good.  Now I can justify having pasta tonight if I wish!!

Yes alright, I am sure the MasterChef recipe would have had more body, it looks more golden and glossy (damn that olive oil spray they use!) - they marinated theirs, but from a time and health perspective - mine did the job.  We were all happy, our bellies were full, and that was another night's dinner over!  Most importantly though, I went to bed not regretting what we had eaten for dinner all in the name of blogging!

So Dear Readers what are you doing to get back into shape for Spring (or are you one of the lucky few who can eat all they want and not gain a single kilo??)  Please don't tell me if you are - I just don't want to know about it.  Me, I will continue to run around the block, while you drive to the shop to pick up the newspaper!!!

1 comment:

  1. I was just looking over the Masterchef version- maybe the CSIRO recipe is the one to try, one of my kids dislikes the taste of butter anyway- will give this a go.
